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HTTP Responses


Draft Specification

The BOMcheck Platform API (v2) is currently in active development and as is subject to change. Please see the Scope Roadmap for delivery timeline.

Please note the returned messages given on this page are examples. Messages returned by the API may be generated to give more information about your specific request. Your integration should manage HTTP responses based on the response codes for each request.

401 Unauthorized

You cannot authenticate to the API. Likely due to an issue with your Bearer token. Please see the Authorization documentation.

// Response Code: 401
  "message": "Unauthorized"

403 Forbidden

You do not have sufficient privileges to access the requested resource. Please review your API v2 usage and access level in your BOMcheck settings dashboard and contact sales to upgrade your account where required.

// Response Code: 403
  "message": "Forbidden"

404 Not Found

The requested resource cannot be found. Please review your request construction and try again.

// Response Code: 404
  "message": "Not Found"

415 Unsupported Media Type

The POST request data body is in an unsupported format. Request data body should be raw XML and the request Header Content-Type: application/xml should be present.

// Response Code: 415
  "message": "Unsupported Media Type"

429 Too Many Requests

You have exceeded your tiered usage allowance or the standard per minute rate limit. You will need to either extend your tiered usage by contacting sales or waiting for rate limit to renew. More info about usage tiers and rate limits can be found in the Usage Allowance section below.

// Response Code: 415
  "message": "Too Many Requests"

500 Server Error

There may be an issue with the BOMcheck API v2 server. Please check to the [BOMcheck service status] before retrying your request.

// Response Code: 500
  "message": "Server Error"