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Deprecation Notice

Please note the BOMcheck API v1 is now deprecated. This API is now considered legacy and will remain to be maintained and available for use but will no longer be formally supported. Please consider the new BOMcheck Platform API (v2) for all future integrations.


The BOMcheck API accepts HTTP POST requests to two main endpoints:

  1. Integration Data (/api/integration)
  2. Declaration Data (/api/download)

Your HTTP POST request can be made from any code language and must include an apikey and other POST object key value parameters (also called form data, payload or POST object attributes.) All values that you will provide for any parameters should be of type <string>. The BOMcheck APIs are provided on port 443.

Generic Params


  • The API key for the Manufacturer Account making API requests. You must sign in to your Manufacturer Account on BOMcheck to activate and retrieve your API key from the API Info Page (you must be logged in to access this page).


    apikey: "{e.g. 2009cc798175c977ddd2409d96121xyz}"
    // other post parameters

Integration Data


For requests to live production environment:

For requests to staging environment to help build API integrations with test data:



  • Enum or select type accepts one of the following options: ["listSubstanceCategories", "listCasNumbers", "listExemptions", "listSuppliers"]


  • Enum or select type accepts one of the following options: ["file", "content"]
  • Specifies the type of output that BOMcheck will provide. If you choose "file" then BOMcheck will return the integration data as an XML file.


// POST request to
// with POST parameters or form data payload:
    apikey: "{e.g. 2009cc798175c977ddd2409d96121xyz}",
    action: "listSubstanceCategories",
    output: "file"

Declaration Data


For requests to live production environment:

For requests to staging environment to help build API integrations with test data:



  • Enum or select type accepts one of the following options: ["CSV", "XML"]
  • Specifies whether the suppliers declaration data will be returned in CSV or XML format.


  • Enum or select type accepts one of the following options: ["C", "D", "checkDthenC"]
  • Only required if format: "XML"
  • If you specify Class D formatClass: "D" and the relative FMD contains < 100% substance data then BOMcheck will provide a Class D+C XML. If you specify formatClass: "checkDthenC" then BOMcheck will check if FMD is available (and if so provide the Class D XML or Class D+C XML) and if not then check if RCD is available (and if so provide the Class C XML). For example, if a supplier has provided 100% FMD for parts A, B, C, D and only RCD data for parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and BOMcheck receives an API request with formatClass: "checkDthenC" then BOMcheck will return two XML files for this supplier - a Class D XML for parts A, B, C, D and a Class C XML for parts 1, 2, 3, 4.


  • String of (optionally concatenated) supplier DUNS numbers: "123456789"
  • This optional parameter allows selection of data for particular supplier(s). You can specify a single supplier DUNS number or multiple concatenated DUNS numbers separated by comma without spaces. Example: supplier: "123456789,987654321,222222222".


  • String of (optionally concatenated) supplier part numbers: "ABC123"
  • This optional parameter allows selection of data for particular parts. You can specify a single part number or multiple concatenated part numbers. Each part number must be in double quotes and separated by a comma without spaces. Example: partNumbers: "ABC123","DEF456","XYZ999".


  • ISO8601 formatted date string as YYYY-MM-DD: "2020-01-01"
  • This optional parameter allows selection of data which has an Approval Date on BOMcheck from a particular start date.


// POST request to
// with POST parameters or form data payload:
    apikey: "{e.g. 2009cc798175c977ddd2409d96121xyz}",
    format: "CSV",
    supplier: "331736400",
    startdate: "2000-01-01"
// POST request to
// with POST parameters or form data payload:
    apikey: "{e.g. 2009cc798175c977ddd2409d96121xyz}",
    format: "XML",
    formatClass: "checkDthenC",
    supplier: "331736400",
    partNumbers: '"ABC123","DEF456","XYZ999"',
    startdate: "2000-01-01"