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Error Messages

API Request Timeouts

BOMcheck provides an open ended API which will attempt to return all data based on the parameters provided in the POST payload. If you provide parameters which result in a very large data set, the API request may timeout whilst returning the queried data. Timeouts can lead to incomplete and irrational data sets.

The BOMcheck API returns the following error messages for invalid requests:

No API key supplied

Your request must specify a valid manufacturer apikey parameter. For more information please see apikey in the parameters documentation. Please check that you are using an API key which is valid for the instance to which you are sending the API request. For example, an API key which is valid on the demon site is not valid on the production site.

Request must be via SSL

Request must be via SSL or TLS (via HTTPS secure protocol).

Invalid format requested. Must be CSV or XML

Your request must specify a format parameter of either "CSV" or "XML". For more information please see format and formatClass in the Reference.

Invalid start date requested. Must be ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)

Your request must specify a valid ISO8601 format startdate parameter. For more information please see startdate in the Reference. If the request specifies an invalid startdate (for example, an incorrect format for the startdate such as 1-1-2013) then BOMcheck will return this error message.

Supplier DUNS numbers "123455789","789568745" do not exist in BOMcheck

Your request must specify a valid supplier parameter which can be a single supplier DUNS number or multiple concatenated DUNS numbers separated by comma without spaces. For more information please see supplier in the Reference.

Supplier part numbers "part123","part456" from Supplier DUNS numbers "545303802","123456789" does not exist in BOMcheck

If the request species valid supplier codes (for example, supplier codes 545303802,123456789 do exist on BOMcheck) but contains invalid partNumbers for these supplier codes (for example, these suppliers have not made declarations for part123, part456) then BOMcheck will return this error message. For more information please see partNumbers in the Reference.

Supplier part numbers "part123","part456" does not exist in BOMcheck

If the request does not include a supplier code and contains invalid partNumbers (for example, no suppliers have made declarations for part numbers part123, part456) then BOMcheck will return this error message. For more information please see partNumbers in the Reference.

Supplier part numbers "part123","part456" from start Date 2010-12-25 does not exist in BOMcheck

If the request contains a list of partNumbers and a startdate but the partNumbers have Approval Dates which are older than the startdate (or the partNumbers have not been declared on BOMcheck) then BOMcheck will return this error message. For more information please see partNumbers in the Reference.

Supplier part numbers "part123","part456" from Supplier DUNS numbers "545303802","123456789" and start Date 2010-12-25 does not exist in BOMcheck

If the request contains a list of supplier codes (i.e. DUNS numbers) and partNumbers and a startdate but the partNumbers have Approval Dates which are older than the startdate (or the partNumbers have not been declared on BOMcheck) then BOMcheck will return this error message. For more information please see partNumbers in the Reference.

No Data

Generic error code indicating the search parameters you have provided return no data in the combination that they have been provided. For example, this error code will be returned when parts do exist in BOMcheck but are obsolete and as such should not be considered "live" for the purposes of systems integration.

Partial data return

If the request includes valid supplier codes and any combination(s) of the parameters for partNumber and startdate are valid then BOMcheck will process the valid combination(s) and will not return an error message. For example, Supplier A (DUNS = 111111111) has declared part 123 in BOMcheck and Supplier B (DUNS = 222222222) has declared part 456. If the API request is supplier = 111111111, 222222222 and partNumbers = “123”,”456” then the BOMcheck API will return the declaration data for part 123 from supplier 11111111 and part 456 from supplier 222222222. In other words, if the request includes valid supplier codes then BOMcheck will return the data for all valid combinations of partNumber and startdate in the request. If none of these combinations in the request are valid then BOMcheck will return an error message.