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Manufacturer Access


A Manufacturer Access account enables you to retrieve substance declarations for parts that you buy from suppliers as they exist on BOMcheck. You may also search for declarations using supplier part and DUNS numbers and generate compliance reports for a list of part numbers.

This is a free-of-charge account provided you sign a Manufacturer Agreement and pilot BOMcheck with suppliers. Customers like Siemens and Philips have decided not to receive substance compliance information from each of their suppliers individually. Instead, they ask their suppliers to comply with substance restriction requirements by joining BOMcheck.

Tools available:


Free-of-charge when agreeing to pilot BOMcheck with suppliers

In practice, over 80% of the OEMs using BOMcheck opt for a Manufacturer Suite account which gives an extended tool set to OEMs and allows for complete management of your supply chain substance compliance and automated SCIP submissions.

Setting Up

Manufacturer Agreement

To set up your Manufacturer Access account please request a Manufacturer Agreement by sending your company details to

Sample Manufacturer Agreement