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Supplier Accounts


The Supplier business account type enables Authorised Users at your company to publish unlimited substance declarations (RCDs & FMDs) for the part numbers that you supply to your manufacturing customers.

You will receive expert regulatory guidance to reduce the overhead on your business while making RCDs or you can choose to make FMDs and allow BOMcheck to auto-generate RCDs for you each time the regulations are updated.

Your declarations can be made available to all manufacturers or to your selected customers using confidentiality settings. You can even create confidential FMDs and allow the resultant RCDs to be viewable by certain customer to fully protect your intellectual property.

Tools available:


€329/annual per Authorised User seat.

Your account will auto-renew each year. You can cancel your account at any time.

Discounts are available for 5+ user seats and free Supplier accounts are offered to small suppliers with a total turnover of less than €3,000,000 per year.

Next Steps

Online Application Form

To start set up of your Supplier account your company must appoint an Authorised User who may complete the online application form.

Alternatively, for Supplier accounts with many Authorised Users, you may request an invoice from and by bank transfer. Supplier's who qualify for a free Supplier account may also request access from this mailbox.

The application process and use of BOMcheck can be summarised by the following steps:

  1. Supplier applies to join BOMcheck:
  2. BOMcheck approves supplier application:
    • Verification of supplier details
    • Validation of email addresses
    • Access granted to the BOMcheck platform
  3. Authorized Users make substance declarations:
    • Follow guidance and training to make RCDs and/or FMDs
    • Receive regular updates on new substance restrictions
    • Update declarations for new substances as required

DUNS & Users

BOMcheck stores the substance declaration data using the unique combination of your part number and your DUNS number. If two or more suppliers use the same part number, BOMcheck uses the DUNS numbers to identify the substance declarations for each of these part numbers individually. Larger companies may wish to appoint several Authorised Users to make declarations. In this case, each user must use the same supplier DUNS number when they create their own supplier account on BOMcheck.

Please note: You should avoid several Authorised Users registering using different DUNS numbers if they will be making declarations for the same supplier company.