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버전 8.0

🔁 2024년 5월 출시

컴플라이언스 솔루션 제품군에 가장 최근에 추가된 BOMcheck Professional의 출시를 발표하게 되어 기쁩니다.새로운 프로페셔널 티어는 Sphera가 향후 몇 년간 기업 수준의 물질 규제 준수 솔루션을 업계에 제공할 수 있는 수단이 될 것입니다.

PFAS 스코프 및 스케일 솔루션

BOMcheck Professional은 초기 출시의 일환으로 두 개의 새로운 신고 가능 물질 목록 (DSL) 을 포함하는 것을 시작으로 복잡한 공급망 PFAS 요구 사항에 대한 수집, 관리 및 보고 프로세스를 개선하도록 설계된 새로운 도구를 제공할 예정입니다.

  1. IEC 기관 PFAS 목록 — 전자 산업 조정용
  2. BOMcheck PFAS 목록 — 광범위한 규제 적용 범위

새로운 PFAS 목록 모두 모든 공급업체가 추가 비용 없이 이용할 수 있습니다.공급업체는 또한 새로운 RCD 기능을 활용하여 향후 플랫폼에 도입될 PFAS 및 유사한 법률과 관련된 크고 복잡한 목록에 대한 요청 설문조사의 오버헤드를 줄일 수 있습니다.결과적으로, 새로운 기능을 통해 제조업체는 물질 규정 준수 요구 사항이 증가하는 환경에서 공급업체로부터 고품질 데이터와 응답률을 지속적으로 받을 수 있습니다.

BOMcheck Professional을 선택해야 하는 이유

  • 새로운 RCD 툴링: PFAS 목록부터 시작하여 향상된 데이터 캡처를 위한 타이프어헤드 조회 연결.PFAS 목록에 대한 규정 준수 계산을 자동으로 실행하는 새로운 옵션 CAS 검사기 기능.설문 조사 오버헤드를 낮추고 데이터 품질을 향상하십시오.
  • 추가 DSL 설문조사: 새로운 PFAS 목록을 시작으로 설문조사 옵션이 확장되었으며, POP, TSCA 및 기타 규제 관련 목록에 대한 개선 사항도 곧 제공될 예정입니다.
  • 새로운 데이터 검색 기능: 간소화된 검색 기준, 필터링, 선택 및 개선된 내보내기 도구를 갖춘 새롭고 개선된 규정 준수 데이터 검색 기능.
  • 엔터프라이즈 플랫폼 솔루션: SSO (Single Sign On), 향상된 분석, 추가 물질 목록 및 기존 도구 개선과 같은 향상된 플랫폼 기능.

다음 단계

BOMcheck Professional에 대해 자세히 알아보고 BOMcheck Professional이 비즈니스에 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는지 알아보려면 BOMcheck 팀에 문의하여 가격 및 계약 옵션을 받으십시오.


가격 및 계약 옵션을 요청하려면 Sphera BOMcheck 문의 양식을 사용하십시오.

문의 양식

문헌 및 자료

  1. Two Page Benefits Document (PDF)
  2. Introduction Slide Deck (PDF)
  3. BOMcheck List & Export Changes - Timeline Details
  4. Version 8.0 List Export Structures (XMLs & CSVs)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still use my existing account?

Yes, all existing accounts will remain active and accessible. Later in 2024 there will be name changes and improvements into self-serve account management for all BOMcheck accounts. More information will follow during #SteerCo sessions.

A small amount of the new and existing Supplier Request and Retrieve Data functionality will be reserved for BOMcheck Professional customers. Please see Will I lose anything if we do not choose BOMcheck Professional? below for more information.

What are the additional/new functionalities?

Many new features will be available upon the launch of BOMcheck Professional and in the months and years following the launch.

Immediate access:

  1. Supplier Requests for Additional Lists (BOMcheck Professional accounts only)
  2. Retrieve Data for Additional Lists (BOMcheck Professional accounts only)
  3. Declarations for Additional Lists (all accounts at no extra cost)

Future access upon release:

  1. Single Sign On (SSO)
  2. Advanced Analytics
  3. New DSLs in the Additional List Context
  4. Many other future improvements by Enhancement Request and Product Roadmap
What is the cost of BOMcheck Professional?

Revenue dependant initial cost with Authorised Representative (AI) seating plan (€329/annual per user). Discounts are available for 5+ user seats. Existing users may benefit from an onboarding discount in year one. Your account will auto-renew each year. You can cancel your account, or amend your specified number of AIs at any time.

While BOMcheck Professional is a premium tier, Sphera has designed the pricing schedule to provide substantial value and ROI given the expanding complexity and tooling required for the current supply-chain substance compliance landscape. Additionally, the revenue dependant costs make the tier accessible for all supply-chain actors.

BOMcheck Professional premium tier will also be highly cost competitive with other solution providers in the supply-chain substance compliance landscape.

Will I lose anything if we do not choose BOMcheck Professional?

If you are a current user of BOMcheck all of your existing compliance data, requests, assemblies etc. will remain on the platform and will always be available to you. You will still be able to use all of the tools in BOMcheck and you will benefit from many of the improvements which have and continue to be made to the platform.

Suppliers will be able to make declarations for the Additional Lists at no extra costs. Supplier Requests and Retrieve Data tools for compliance data in the Additional Lists context will be reserved for BOMcheck Professional accounts.

Please see Are there any XML changes with BOMcheck Professional? for details on Substance Category Lists changes applicable to XML and other export types from BOMcheck.

Are there any XML changes with BOMcheck Professional?

Full details of all coming DSL and export (XML, CSV etc.) changes:

BOMcheck List & Export Change - Timeline Details PDF

In May 2024 The current PFAS Substance Category entry in the Industry Substances List will be replaced with a new PFAS entry in the new BOMcheck PFAS List. All existing supplier disclosure information will be migrated to this new Substance Category and improved data linking to the underlying BOMcheck PFAS reference list will be created where possible.

More details on the specific XML changes can be found in the following example XML files:

Version 8.0 List Export Structures (XMLs & CSVs)

In January 2025 The Other Regulated Substances and Industry Substances lists will be migrated to the Additional Lists context. Some Substance Categories will then be extracted to regulatory aligned, and separately maintain lists (PFAS, POPs, TSCA, etc). Suppliers will be able to make declarations for the Additional Lists at no extra costs. Supplier Requests and Retrieve Data tools for compliance data in the Additional Lists context will be reserved for BOMcheck Professional accounts.

Do my suppliers have to pay to use the platform?

As the BOMcheck platform has been designed such that suppliers own their own data and benefit from BOMcheck tooling, suppliers will continue to pay a small cost (€329/annual) to access and use the platform.

For BOMcheck Professional accounts there are options available to help ensure maximal supplier onboarding and coverage which can be discussed on request.

What if my suppliers do not choose BOMcheck Professional?

As Sphera will continue to provide existing and improved functionality to all BOMcheck account types, your suppliers may opt to continue using their current accounts on BOMcheck.

As your collection of Additional List compliance data (PFAS, TSCA, POPs etc.) may be dependant on your suppliers cascading requests further down the supply-chain, any mSuite (Superuser) account targeted with a request for Additional List declarations will be able to forward that request on to their suppliers to ensure requests and compliance data can flow throughout your supply-chain.