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版本 8.0

🔁 2024 年 5 月推出

我们很高兴地宣布推出BOMCheck Professional,这是我们合规解决方案套件的最新成员。新的专业级别将成为Sphera在未来几年向行业提供企业级物质合规解决方案的工具。


作为首次发布的一部分,BOMCheck Professional将提供新的工具,旨在改善复杂的供应链全氟辛烷磺酸要求的收集、管理和报告流程,首先包括两份新的申报物质清单(DSL):

1。IEC 权威机构全氟辛烷磺酸清单 — 用于电子行业的协调 2。BOMCheck 全氟辛烷磺酸清单 — 适用于广泛的监管覆盖范围


为什么 BOMCheck 专业版?

  • 全新 RCD 工具: 从 PFAS 列表开始,可增强数据采集能力。新的可选 CAS 检查器功能可自动对照 PFAS 清单进行合规性计算。降低调查开销,提高数据质量
  • **其他DSL调查:**扩展了调查选项,从新的全氟辛烷磺酸清单开始,即将对持久性有机污染物、TSCA和其他监管一致清单进行增强。
  • **新的检索数据功能:**新的和改进的合规性数据搜索功能具有简化的搜索条件、筛选、选择和改进的导出工具。
  • 企业平台解决方案: 增强的平台功能,例如单点登录 (SSO)、改进的分析、额外的物质清单和对现有工具的改进。


如果您有兴趣进一步了解BOMCheck Professional及其如何使您的业务受益,请联系BOMCheck团队以获取定价和协议选项。


请使用Sphera BOMCheck联系表来申请定价和协议选项。

Contact Form


  1. Two Page Benefits Document (PDF)
  2. Introduction Slide Deck (PDF)
  3. BOMcheck List & Export Changes - Timeline Details
  4. Version 8.0 List Export Structures (XMLs & CSVs)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still use my existing account?

Yes, all existing accounts will remain active and accessible. Later in 2024 there will be name changes and improvements into self-serve account management for all BOMcheck accounts. More information will follow during #SteerCo sessions.

A small amount of the new and existing Supplier Request and Retrieve Data functionality will be reserved for BOMcheck Professional customers. Please see Will I lose anything if we do not choose BOMcheck Professional? below for more information.

What are the additional/new functionalities?

Many new features will be available upon the launch of BOMcheck Professional and in the months and years following the launch.

Immediate access:

  1. Supplier Requests for Additional Lists (BOMcheck Professional accounts only)
  2. Retrieve Data for Additional Lists (BOMcheck Professional accounts only)
  3. Declarations for Additional Lists (all accounts at no extra cost)

Future access upon release:

  1. Single Sign On (SSO)
  2. Advanced Analytics
  3. New DSLs in the Additional List Context
  4. Many other future improvements by Enhancement Request and Product Roadmap
What is the cost of BOMcheck Professional?

Revenue dependant initial cost with Authorised Representative (AI) seating plan (€329/annual per user). Discounts are available for 5+ user seats. Existing users may benefit from an onboarding discount in year one. Your account will auto-renew each year. You can cancel your account, or amend your specified number of AIs at any time.

While BOMcheck Professional is a premium tier, Sphera has designed the pricing schedule to provide substantial value and ROI given the expanding complexity and tooling required for the current supply-chain substance compliance landscape. Additionally, the revenue dependant costs make the tier accessible for all supply-chain actors.

BOMcheck Professional premium tier will also be highly cost competitive with other solution providers in the supply-chain substance compliance landscape.

Will I lose anything if we do not choose BOMcheck Professional?

If you are a current user of BOMcheck all of your existing compliance data, requests, assemblies etc. will remain on the platform and will always be available to you. You will still be able to use all of the tools in BOMcheck and you will benefit from many of the improvements which have and continue to be made to the platform.

Suppliers will be able to make declarations for the Additional Lists at no extra costs. Supplier Requests and Retrieve Data tools for compliance data in the Additional Lists context will be reserved for BOMcheck Professional accounts.

Please see Are there any XML changes with BOMcheck Professional? for details on Substance Category Lists changes applicable to XML and other export types from BOMcheck.

Are there any XML changes with BOMcheck Professional?

Full details of all coming DSL and export (XML, CSV etc.) changes:

BOMcheck List & Export Change - Timeline Details PDF

In May 2024 The current PFAS Substance Category entry in the Industry Substances List will be replaced with a new PFAS entry in the new BOMcheck PFAS List. All existing supplier disclosure information will be migrated to this new Substance Category and improved data linking to the underlying BOMcheck PFAS reference list will be created where possible.

More details on the specific XML changes can be found in the following example XML files:

Version 8.0 List Export Structures (XMLs & CSVs)

In January 2025 The Other Regulated Substances and Industry Substances lists will be migrated to the Additional Lists context. Some Substance Categories will then be extracted to regulatory aligned, and separately maintain lists (PFAS, POPs, TSCA, etc). Suppliers will be able to make declarations for the Additional Lists at no extra costs. Supplier Requests and Retrieve Data tools for compliance data in the Additional Lists context will be reserved for BOMcheck Professional accounts.

Do my suppliers have to pay to use the platform?

As the BOMcheck platform has been designed such that suppliers own their own data and benefit from BOMcheck tooling, suppliers will continue to pay a small cost (€329/annual) to access and use the platform.

For BOMcheck Professional accounts there are options available to help ensure maximal supplier onboarding and coverage which can be discussed on request.

What if my suppliers do not choose BOMcheck Professional?

As Sphera will continue to provide existing and improved functionality to all BOMcheck account types, your suppliers may opt to continue using their current accounts on BOMcheck.

As your collection of Additional List compliance data (PFAS, TSCA, POPs etc.) may be dependant on your suppliers cascading requests further down the supply-chain, any mSuite (Superuser) account targeted with a request for Additional List declarations will be able to forward that request on to their suppliers to ensure requests and compliance data can flow throughout your supply-chain.